We're bringing back our postponed ACE funded tour! As you'll hopefully have seen by now, the first stop is [Not] Newcastle, with Momtaza Mehri and Hannah Hodgson communing with the brilliant presences of May Ayim and Julia Darling on 11 April - book here. We can't wait.
We're making plans to re-start everything digitally, completing all four events by the Autumn. We'll still be running our popular open mics as part of these Zoomerific gigs, and we hope to reach new audiences through the airwaves.
Just a reminder of what's to come...
Nina Mingya Powles and Bridget Minamore [Not] in London will resurrect Theresa Hak Kyung Cha and Margaret Walker (you can see what they've already made here)
Malika Booker and Lizzie Hawkins [Not] in Leeds
Julia Copus and Thea Ayres [Not] in Oxford
Gen Walsh and Charlotte Wetton [Not] in Halifax
We can't wait to share more about these events - don't forget to sign up to our mailing list to be the first to hear.